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VOLTRON - Magnet Live Review vom 20.07.13 - Translation

On July, 20th 2013 EYEHATEGOD and VOLTRON shared the Magnet Club. Under absolutely perfect conditions and iconic surroundings they invited their audience to dance and enjoy their play. We didn’t want to miss out on this and took the opportunity to check out the live performance of EYEHATEGOD as well as VOLTRON’s.An embarrassment anticipated because all I knew about the band, the headliner EYEHATEGOD, was their name up until that day. Anyways, it’s safe to admit that it’s close to impossible to know every single band on this planet. Concert evenings in Berlin nearly always bring the same issues with it.

These are: How do I get there? How long might I get stuck in traffic and therefore better take the train? This time the decision I made was once again very wrong because the main highway tributary towards Kreuzberg was completely diverted. ‘Kaventsmann’ of VOLTRON accompanied me through the massive traffic jam which at the East Side Gallery changed into a huge flood of people. I was a stone’s throw away from the scene but still separated by the river Spree and huge painted concrete walls. In that moment the clock turned 8.00, the time that was announced by the organizers of the concerts beginning.

20.10pm and from the inside of the club you could already hear a muffled growl. I got my ticket and hurried inside. From the box office I could already make out Senor Kato (VOLTRON) loading his vocal chords to the maximum. I hastily opened the door, not to miss any more songs of VOLTRONs gig. The guys had a really awesome sound to offer. During this evening I found out that VOLTRON was able to do a sound check which apparently wasn’t common practice. Anyway, tonight it had worked out and my ears and their owner were thrilled. The music of the Berliner conveyed still much more massive than the two outputs ‘Kaventsmann’ and ‘Beyond An Armoured Skin’. In fact VOLTRON performing live sounds so massive and powerful I would not be surprised if, after the fading of the tracks ’13 Liter Bohrmaschine’ (13 litres drill) the 30 metre high statues which are standing close to the Magnet Club would be released from their foundations and just drop without any anchoring into the dirty river. The actual use of the 3 water thingys is thus clarified.

’13 Liter Bohrmaschine’ (13 litres drill) is the second song that night, so I had actually just missed only one song ‘Studententöter’ (student killer). With track 4 of the 2012 album, the show continued. Mr. Kato seemed to literally live the songs on stage. The three guys on the stringed instruments seemed very focused and conjured up a monstrous rhythmic carpet – whether you like it or not – the flagship of the heavy and brutal roller-Metals of VOLTRON. Man, that sounded sick from the PA system!! My eyes lit curious over the stage of the Magnetic Club and persisted automatically on the man behind the drum set. Hille Toughsky is the unshakable metronome, whether it’s slow doomy, dodgy or something faster - the man is in every situation a homogenous unit with the songs. I sometimes got the feeling Hille Toughsky moved with his drum kit into the songs. Great!

Three new rollers made by VOLTRON now shook the club at the Oberbaumbrücke to its foundations (‘4284Emo’, ‘Große Bohrung des Essigs’, ‘Noch doppelt krass’). This can probably make us hope for a really awesome new album, don’t you think gentlemen? ‘Wollacken’ from the 2007 album was not only a great song, but the last performance for this evening. Incredibly, this song was so amazing that I felt it in my intestines! It felt like VOLTRON beat me with the rhinoceros from the cover of their first full-length album. It was epic


Translation:  Sandra Frei

Pics: Laura Vanselow


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