Metal Hammer Awards 2013 – Awesome event what the name already implies!
On Friday the 13th everything went perfect! What a good start when I had thought before that just as always something must go wrong, right? Just on time as a clockwork the award show was getting into its stride. Host, ‘NIC’ Radio Energy, Martin van Drunen (Asphyx) & Chief-Hammer Thorsten Zahn welcomed the metal crowd in the most rocking way possible.
The Thrasher Dust Bolt from Bavaria climbed the award stage and was literally playing their ass off. It was a real pleasure to follow this hyperactive show of the newcomer thrashers from Landsberg. Singer and guitarist Lenny generated such an energy that he gave the impression that at any moment the turbocharged could shatter completely. Really great show!
Front light off, the light to the right on and we already went to the first award. Best Debut: Year of the Goat! Our Skullcrusher Torsten therefore can not be so wrong if that thing tapped the award. Congratulations to the Occult rockers from Year of the Goat. Torsten, how right you were once again. Year Of The Goat "Angels Necropolis" (2012)
Metallica are announced
Well the following announcement was the best live band. The sparrows whistled already from the roof and since Rob&Lars were in Berlin anyway it came as it was supposed to happen. Best Live Band 2013: Metallica! They of course didn’t get the award because they were in Berlin already but because Metallica performing live is a power and therefore rightfully received the award. And here we go, Rob and Lars were already climbing from the gallery of the ‘Kesselhaus’to take the award. Lars Ulrich took the microphone, welcomed those present and thanked in a well-behaved manner for the award. Anyone who knows him knows that he won’t give that microphone back anytime soon but the mouth tube eventually went to Rob, who also showed his enthusiasm. As quickly as they had come, Rob and Lars disappeared again. 3 hours later, Thorsten Zahn spoke up to tell everyone that Rob and Lars safely land in Moscow and thanked the fans once again, as well as Metal Hammer and the audience for the award and the great evening.
While She Sleeps – 2nd Live Band of the evening
After the band Eskimo Callboy received their award for Up and Coming, While She Sleeps entered the stage of the Kulturbrauerei. While She Sleeps have been dedicating themselves to Metal Core and were showing their mad skills of and made a hell of a party out of it. The Kesselhaus got what it deserved and so the British granted the attending people a lesson in hard and intense Metal Core. After about 2/3 of the show, there were even more fans on stage than band members. Lawrence Taylor – Singer and Oberwüterich of the British was even taking a bath in the crowd. We liked it and so we will examine this band a little closer in the future.
While we were still pondering about what we had just experienced or rather whether While She Sleeps had just experienced and rolled over us the next presenter already had entered the stage. Maik Weichert from Heaven Shall Burn took over the post and announced the award winners in the category Metal Anthem. Callejon, the German Metal Core Brigade were the lucky winners in this category. Now the past 60minutes were also clear to us. Introduction by While She Sleeps, the laudation by HSB’s Maik Weichert and Callejon who got an award. Obviously it was three times Metal Core! Practice & Theory – followed by the reward. WSS have shown us, the master discussed it and Callejon sneaked the award. Congratulations to the band, which members come from Cologne, Düsseldorf and Ratingen.
L.G. Petrow announces Amophis
‘Left Hand Path’ or probably rather ‘Right Hand Stage’. L.G. Petrov (Entombed) entered as an eulogist the stage to pay homage to his Scandinavian colleagues from the land of the thousand lakes. Amorphis received the Metal Hammer Award in the category Best Album. They got rewarded for their current longplayer ‘Circle’. Very worthy as we think. Our Rene has this disc listed in heavy rotation for months and therefore his opinion probably coincides with the decision of many readers of Metal Hammer magazine. Congratualtions!
It’s time for a legend – Regina Halmich announces Doro Pesch.
After Regina Halmich smuggled the definition for the term legend in the eulogy – we almost did not understand it – the Grand Dame of Heavy Metal entered the stage. Doro Pesch tanked her fans, the audience, and the Metal Hammer team. There was a spontaneous singing performance at which Doro again gave proof that true legends can sing well in every situation. Anyway, I remember now the review of our Skullcrusher Torsten in which he freely describes in his introduction why Doro is what she is. Congratulations for the award in the category Legend! Review Doro - Raise Your Fist (2012)
Powerwolf commenced their wolfish crusade
After Doro was being duly celebrated an absolute highlight of the evening came within reach. POWERWOLF were preparing for their wolfish crusade. A quick sound check and the smell of incense was already swirling through the sacred Kesselhaus of the Kulturbrauerei in Berlin. POWERWOLF headed for our evil souls. They wanted to convert us and were from the first minute on producing a damn good mood in the audience of the Metal Hammer Awards. An absolutely insanely awesome show broke over the Kesselhaus in so that the time flew by. Powerwolf played one wicked song after another. All the crosses on the necklaces had again taken up their very own original position and my Mercyful Fate Tattoo wanted to flee offended. But wait, that is merely entertainment. Just as it should be understood, and therefore it was not only a great show but an entertaining moment I will not soon forget. Amen and Attack.
God Or Riffs – Jeff Hanneman triggered of tears posthumously
What more is there to tell, what more is there to say then that with Heff Hannemann a real Riffmeister passed away but that is completely clear to everyone. The dismayed audience in the Kulturbrauerei did not know whether they should be happy or rather cry when Jeff Hanneman received the award in the category God of Riffs. It was a very touching moment. I turned around and looked into the eyes of those present. Surely everyone was struggling with their feelings and one or the other eye was involuntarily a tear-free. Goosebumps!
It was getting hairy! Alex Krull announced Avantasia
All of a sudden it was getting pretty ‘hairy’ because Alex Krull from Atrocity entered the stage. Man, give us a tenth of your mane! This hair is also award suspect. Enough of hairy words. Avantasia should be the heroes in this paragraph. In his speech, Atrocitys frontman briefly brought up a story from ancient times before Tobias Sammet could seize the microphone to announce among other things the following sentence: ‘At this moment I think of all the band which didn’t win this award.’ Tobias said this sentence in a low voice. He skillfully put a rhetorical pause for a fraction of a second, followed by the sly words: ‘Because I or rather Avantsia have won the prize!’ That’s how he is, our Tobi. Congratulations to Avantasia. They received the award in the category Best German Band.
Nightwish – Metal Hammer Award in the category Best International Band
The ceremony of the Metal Hammer Awards 2013 went slowly to the end. Two prices were still pending and with the award in the category Best International Band Nightwish should come into play. Marco Hietala accepted the award on behalf of Nightwish. He politely thanked and then disappeared from the small award stage of the Kesselhaus – but without the award. Why or wherefore Marco outpaced the trophy eludes our knowledge to date. Did he just forget?
Mikkey Dee – Motörhead – Maximum Metal
Afterwards it was loud again, because Mikkey Dee stepped onto the stage to cream off the award in the category for Maximum Metal Motorhead. A visibly ailing Mikkey directed his words of thanks to all the fans as well as to those who supported Motörhead over many years and remained loyal. After he thanked Stephan Weidner who did the laudation for Motörhead with the words: ‘My dear friend…’, he was floating towards the gallery of the Kesselhaus. Whether his two companions had to support him we unfortunately couldn’t make out. But the entire thing was still very likeable and it did not seem as if Mikkey Dee was no longer master of the situation. Probably it got celebrated properly in advance and of course they also had all reasons to. Maximum metal of Rock’N’Roll. See you in December!
Kreator capped it all off at the Metal Hammer Awards 2013
The trophies were awarded and the beer flowed freely in streams. Kreator positioned themselves on the big stage while the metal folk took preparations to massacre each other afterwards. The instructions given by Mille were immediately put into action. And so it came to that violence, brutality and destruction were celebrating a feast. Some fans took it literally and probably have thus shown that their heart is not sitting in the right place. The vast majority were able to evaluate the words of the Kreator frontman in their brain box correctly and that’s why overall everything went quite reasonable. However, one should not forget that we are dealing here with a Metal concert at which the fans in the hall – at such late hour – were divided up into two halves and cheered by Kreator and in best beer mood running into each other. Of course it is normal to assume that there is the risk at this time that something is going to break. However elbow and fist have no place in fist height.
The Trasher from Essen were being as noisy as possible. They were giving a steam hammer after another to the best and so the 13th day of the month found a dignified end. The mood was at the boiling point, the crowds were happy and so it was wishful thinking that this could always go on like this. Ceremony – Concert – Ceremony – Concert etc. This evening was great, very well done and definitely a highlight of 2013. Hopefully there will be this ‘hammer event’ back in 2014. If so, we would be there, promise!
Translation: Sandra Frei
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