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Metal Hammer Awards 2014 - English Version - Review - Pe und Gonzo - Recieved Trouble

What now followed is well known, and the scene has to deal with for over a quarter century now. The Böhsen Onkelz has currently brought themselves into the focus of the press with negative headlines, of course. The old enemy was reactivated and lo and behold, it works and the Onkelz already wallow in the press releases. What happened is known and does not belong here. The reactions of those present were still evident, but it detracts from the pleasure of such an evening. Under loud boos the two band members, who deserved it least of all, entered the stage. Why Pe and Gonzo had to listen to hit and run choirs, that knowledge eludes me. Master Kesici asked for silence before the Böhsen Onkelz were awarded as the best German band. Whether it is so or not, seems to have been incidental. The fact is, the cup went to the Onkelz and Germany has again his old enemy No. 1. 

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